Grievance procedure

This grievance procedure is intended to provide a fair and consistent process for staff at Exchange Supplies to raise concerns or complaints about any aspect of their employment.

This procedure is available to all employees regardless of their length of service, position, or level of responsibility.

The grievance procedure can be used to raise concerns in parallel or conjunction with, or instead of the whistle-blower policy. It may also be used before or after the whistle-blower policy has been used.

Informal Stage
Colleagues are encouraged to raise any concerns informally with their line manager or another appropriate person as soon as possible. This may be done orally or in writing.

The company will aim to resolve any concerns at this stage wherever possible.

If you feel unable to raise your concern with your line manager or the matter remains unresolved, you may raise the matter formally.

Formal Stage
If you wish to raise a formal grievance, you should do so in writing to the managing director.

Ideally, a statement of formal written grievance should include the following information:

  • The nature of the grievance;

  • Relevant background information;

  • Specific actions or outcomes sought; and

  • Steps already taken to resolve the matter informally.

The managing director will arrange a meeting to discuss the grievance with you as soon as possible.

You may choose to be accompanied at this meeting by up to 3 colleagues, trade union representatives, relatives, friends, or advocates.

Following the meeting, the managing director will investigate the grievance and make a decision, which will be communicated to you in writing.

You may appeal the decision if you are not satisfied.

If you wish to appeal a decision, you should do so in writing to the managing director within 10 working days of receiving the decision.

Ideally, an appeal should include the following information:

  • Grounds for the appeal;

  • New evidence or information that has become available; and

  • Specific actions or outcomes sought.

The managing director will arrange a meeting to discuss the appeal with you as soon as possible. You may choose to be accompanied at this meeting by up to 3 colleagues, trade union representatives, relatives, friends, or advocates.

Following the meeting, the managing director will make a final decision, which will be communicated to you in writing.

The decision will be final and binding, not withstanding the employee's right to use the whistle-blower policy and/or seek legal remedies.

All grievances will be treated confidentially and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. However, it may be necessary to disclose information to other parties involved in the grievance process, including witnesses and your line manager. Disclosure will normally be discussed with the person pursuing the grievance in advance.

Time frames
The company will aim to resolve all grievances as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the time taken to resolve a grievance will depend on the complexity of the issue and the availability of relevant parties.

Record Keeping
A record of all grievances raised, the outcome of any meetings, and any actions taken may, at the discretion of the managing director, be kept on the employee's personnel file.

This policy will be published on our website.

The company will review this grievance procedure periodically to ensure that it remains effective and up-to-date. Any changes will be communicated to employees in writing, and included in the online staff training.

This grievance procedure is intended to provide a fair and consistent process for resolving any grievances that may arise in the workplace. By following this procedure, we hope to resolve any concerns quickly and fairly, while maintaining a positive working environment for all employees.


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK

01305 262244