Business Ethics Policy

Exchange Supplies exists to make the world a better place reducing drug related harm. Our business ethics are the core of the culture that will best prevent the incidence of modern slavery in the conduct of our business.

We are committed to conducting business with the highest level of integrity and ethics. We require all employees, contractors, and stakeholders to adhere to the following principles in all of their business dealings:

Honesty and integrity lie at the heart of what we do: no member of staff will ever communicate anything they know to be untrue to a customer or stakeholder. Integrity is more important than profit.

Labour Rights
We believe in the principle of fair and equal treatment of all workers, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality. We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all employees, and we prohibit any form of forced labour or child labour in our operations or supply chains. We also respect workers' right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

We pay all staff at or above the national living wage. We do not discriminate on the basis of age, and young people receive equal pay for equal work.

Grievance Mechanism
We believe in providing accessible and effective mechanisms for employees and stakeholders to raise concerns or complaints.

Our whistle-blower policy covers access to confidential channels for reporting any suspected ethical violations or concerns, without fear of retaliation.

Our grievance policy gives a clear and appealable process for reporting to raise concerns or complaints about any aspect of employment.

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery and corruption in any form.

We prohibit any form of payment or gift that is intended to influence a business decision or gain an unfair advantage.

We also require all employees and stakeholders to comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to anti-corruption and bribery.

Use of Finances as a Social Enterprise
We are committed to using our finances in a socially responsible way. We strive to make a positive impact on the communities we serve by supporting social and environmental initiatives that align with our values and business objectives.

We have a social contract with the harm reduction field that binds us to spend profits earned through the sale of products to the development of the harm reduction field.

Business ethics policy audit checklist:
We will annually conduct the following audit checks:

  • That all staff have reviewed and understood the policy on our elearning system;

  • Review of complaints received to identify allegations of dishonesty, or corruption;

  • Review grievances lodged to check we are adhering to our principles of fair and equal treatment of workers;

  • Perform a gender pay gap analysis;

  • Confirm membership of UK National Living Wage Foundation; and

  • Request report from our accountant detailing hospitality and other expenses that are at risk of being bribery or corruption, and stating the extent to which we have complied with our commitment to re-invest profits in the reduction of drug related harm.


Exchange Supplies,
1 Great Western Industrial Centre,
Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1RD, UK

01305 262244